March 30, 2006

A 5th Wednesday of the month

Last night I got to hang out with the church down at 3100 South Market. I used to call this place home, and in fact it’s still my address of record with the DMV. What made last night so fun for me was visiting with old friends, making new ones, and seeing my ‘Sunday go to meeting’ church mix with and serve with the locals down on South Market. Great stuff, and I know stuff.

The discipleship groups from Vineyard City Church showed up at the Good News Rescue Mission. When I arrived, all sorts of folks were in the kitchen helping a mad Englishman make spaghetti dinner for 120 on a rainy Wednesday evening. So I took it upon myself to finish my cup of coffee, visit, stay out of the way, and invite people to come on in and play. Jesus was there in Spirit, and for those of us that have been around the mission a bit, you could feel the difference. And so could the guests.

Worship was a wonderful time of praise. Rachel led with guitar, and others accompanied with voice and drum. I about cried when Amazing Grace came around…packed warm room, hands in the air, not certain about tomorrow, but praising the Lord that night. That is worship. Pastor Jeff gave the message. Don’t take God for granted, evangelize, and love one another. You are the church and the church is the world’s salvation. More great stuff…and time for prayer and laying on of hands.

Then there was serving dinner to the guests and cleaning up after. What a sight that was. A few of these guys may be good enough to make it through the New Life Program’s “dish washin’ and moppin’ study” for the theological and practical development of a Servant’s Heart that is Jesus. I’ll certainly be taking applications. For those that missed, and want to be involved - We’ll be back down there again, I’ve been told rumors of Pastor Sean ‘owning’ an evening [I assumed he’d share if asked], and there are opportunities for service every day if you’re willing to show up. Reach out and you will be blessed. Thanks guys…Jesus thinks you’re awesome, and now some of my socio-economically disenfranchised friends know you can cook.

1 comment:

??? said...

What an amazing time!

I cannot imagine what I would be doing with my life if I wasn't learning to love Jesus, but it couldn't hold a candle to what I am doing...