June 20, 2007


So I made it back from China just in time to meet up with my Discipleship Group for our second annual Bar-B-Q and 'who's the neighbors?' festival. As I was away during the planning stages, I was assigned all of the on-site cooking duties [I'm taking a well deserved break below].

We started with some wieners [not to be confused with hot dogs], moved into hamburgers and finished with some fine smoked chicken breast. I counted numerous varieties of beans and potato salad, as well as at least two cheesecakes and a ring of 'monkey brain' cinnamon bread that Misty made.

I could go on...but it just makes me hungry...And even better than the hot day and fine food, was 30 or so folks that decided to share part of their day [and a meal] with us. Check out Todd sportin' the new goat...

Hangin' out in the AC...

1 comment:

??? said...

THIS warms my heart! ...and I love the goty!