June 23, 2007

Sanitized Travel Journal - Part I

It is late May 2007 (in route to China), I find myself sitting next to Kyle as we cross the Atlantic to Beijing. We had been separated this morning in SFO, but in nothing short of a miraculous turn of events, we reconvened in Vancouver for the long, seated portion of our trip. I have been reading for a few hours, and just finished ‘Saving God’s Green Earth’ à lots of good ideas.

I spent this past weekend at the discipleship group retreat. I really could have cared less about being there. And truth be told, I’d of rather not been there, as I thought I had so much to do prior to leaving for China. The weeks leading up to leaving were extra hectic at work, and I was feeling overloaded. Within moments of arriving at the retreat I realized I was in the right place. God does have a sense of humor. Though there has been some fun [and a moment of rest], these past weeks are all sort of an extra busy blur.

Back to the book - I have plans to head up to Boise in Sept for an environmental stewardship conference. God really does seem to be speaking to me there, but I’m not totally sure what that looks like in the context of the church or what I’ll walk through in China…ought to be interesting.

Daydreaming and remembering…So why in the heck did I get into archaeology? Other than enjoying the lifestyle [a story in itself – ask me one day when you have some time], I remember I had an appreciation for the outdoors, a value for what had been left before us, a sense of history, even a passion for the use of history to tell our story and link us to the places we live. To cultivate those roots before they were destroyed or forgotten.

Standing alone in the De-Na-Zin Wilderness, Bisti Badlands in spring winds - describing the landscape, taking photos and drawing maps. I was so often the last person to see an area before the bulldozers came and changed it…It did become depressing as I saw the ideal of conservation turned into a simple hurdle of development. There never seemed to be a long view of planning for the future, but just a desire to promote production the development of short-term economic gain.
Private gain through Public Lands…
Public Lands for Private Profit…

In regard to CONSERVATION, we generally fall into false categories and argument to justify both cultural and worldly approaches to the earth’s resources. As I read and do, I find we ARE called to tend the garden. Not to destroy or degrade it. Not to fearfully leave it untouched. But to experience the creator in His creation.

Can we take ‘environmentalism’ out of the box? It’s as charged a word as ‘Christian’ in my day to day. It isn’t actually diametrically opposed to conservative policies – this has always been a manufactured argument, and it’s simply not real.

We are tied to the land. Most folks just don’t see it in their day to day, so there’s no value in it to them. Do you compartmentalize your understanding of pro-life to include only those parts of creation that look most like yourself? We are so good at that sort of rationalization, aren’t we? The loaded question: Are you pro-life, or just anti-abortion?

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